Thursday 18 April 2013

Energy Shortage

What’s at the root of the trouble?

During our research of the current global economic crisis, we were looking for the root causes of all this trouble. As the trails of evidence led us deeper and deeper, a couple of things continued to resurface. One of those is “peak oil”.
Peak oil refers to the fact that the world is running out of oil. The problem is simple to understand. Humanity has an ever-growing demand for oil. Our oil wells have limited supply. It has become apparent that the world’s oil reserves are now very close to reaching a point where our demand exceeds the supply available. We are reaching—or may have already reached—the “peak”.

Why does oil matter?

The availability of a cheap ubiquitous power source (oil) is what literally powered the growth of our civilization from the early 1900s until now. Having a cheap, concentrated power source allowed humanity to go from riding on the backs of horses to the rise of automobiles, aircraft, and space exploration in such a short period of time.
Oil has been a massive boon to humanity, both in terms of industry and wealth. Many of the world’s wealthiest families today are the offspring of people who—many years ago—recognized the importance of oil and quickly secured all the oil resources they could for themselves. Then they used their oil profits to acquire exclusive access to more and more oil fields.
We believe our current global economic crisis is tied directly to the decline of world oil supplies. No, we don’t believe this is the only reason for the crisis. However, we do believe it to be a primary cause.

What about declines in oil prices?

You may see oil prices decline (at the petrol or gas pump) due to the global recession. These price declines are a direct result of industrial production slowing down in the current global economic crisis. Most industrial production relies on oil, and so the recession can temporarily reduce demand for oil. Which, in turn, will naturally lower the price of oil.
These price declines are temporary, and every time industry tries to speed up, we will be hit with quickly rising oil prices. We believe this will tend to extend the economic slowdown and to also slightly prolong the decline of our diminishing oil supplies.

What about other energy sources?

We are at a challenging new point in human history. We have never faced such a challenge. Our capitalist global economy is actually a huge part of the problem.
In a capitalist system, commodities compete on price. Energy is a commodity. The lowest price wins. If you can provide energy at a lower price with oil than your competitor can provide it with solar power, then you win. In today’s system clean, green energy technologies are still too expensive and so dirty, cheap oil wins on price.
The oil rich families and the corporations they own are deeply invested in petroleum extraction and refining technologies. In turn, oil is deeply entrenched in our global economic system. The oil companies have spent billions on equipment specifically designed to extract oil from the Earth and refine it into various petroleum-based products. They have secured lands and oil fields across the globe.
Yes, oil is a dying energy source, but the wealthy oil barons will milk it until every oil well runs dry. They don’t want any new technology to step in and destroy their investment in petroleum extraction and refining technology… until oil is completely gone.

Green Energy

Green energy sources are the next natural step for humanity. There is abundant energy available from the sun, wind and water to provide many times what humanity needs. But dirty oil, coal, and high-risk nuclear (think of Japan) energy sources are stealing the show for now.
We are being held back by the greed of the deeply invested wealthy who control our global economic system. They are determined to keep the system in their control and to get every ounce of benefit they can from their existing investments in petroleum extraction and refining technology. They suppress green energy technology behind the scenes while publicly acting as if they support it.
The fact is, they do not support green energy. Not yet. It scares them. They stand to lose untold billions of dollars they have spent on research, development, production and purchasing of petroleum technologies. Not to mention the oil fields they have sometimes purchased or more often gained access to, through methods which are devious, insidious and highly unethical (we’ll explain more about that in an upcoming post).

Where it’s headed…

We believe our modern world is headed for a energy shortage crisis like nothing we have ever seen.
Former less-developed countries are quickly become more industrialized and more westernized. This includes countries such as Brazil, Russia, India and China. These four countries alone represent over 40% of the world population. These countries and others are now rapidly raising their standard of living and along with it, their rate of energy usage is climbing dramatically.
Unfortunately the natural resources of our Earth are limited, finite. It has been estimated that if every country in the world consumed resources like the U.S. we would need the resources of seven Earths just to sustain where we are today (not even considering growth).

What will happen when oil runs out?

Of course, no one can foretell the future with 100% certainty, but we can look at current trends and extrapolate a best guess. First, we looked at the current rate of oil decline and at humanity’s ever-growing demand for energy. Then, we looked at the rate at which green energy technology is being adopted in place of oil. By converging those two trends, we estimate that humanity will effectively run out of oil over 100 years before we have enough green energy technology ready to replace it.
Humanity is not ready for what is coming.

Part 4 is next…

We have at least three more parts in our Global Crisis blog post series. Be sure to read every post in the series to discover the big picture of how VirtaPay is positioning to help you profit from the global economic crisis and to help make the world a better place in the process.

The Global Food Shortage

The global food shortage

In our research of the global economic crisis, we discovered many signs of a coming food shortage. Of course, a food shortage will prolong and add to the economic crisis we are now experiencing. The idea of a food shortage isn’t news for people in some parts of the world — places where it’s already happening. In the rest of this post we will share what we discovered in our research.

Partly to blame… global warming

There is a debate surrounding global warming. The debate is not if global warming is happening, rather, the debate centers around the cause of global warming.
On one side of the debate, we have the majority of scientists in the world who agree that global warming is being caused, or greatly accelerated, by greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide) from the burning of “fossil fuels” (including oil and coal).
On the other side of the debate, we have a very small minority of scientists who say that our Earth is warming due to a natural cycle of our planet. They point to the fact that our Earth has warmed and cooled countless times throughout its history without the help of humans.
For our discussion of the coming food shortage, the debate surrounding what is causing global warming doesn’t matter. What matters is that global warming is happening. The fact that our Earth is warming is undeniable. The evidence is impossible to ignore. Global warming will contribute to the coming food shortage and is already impacting our lives.
Whether global warming was caused by humans or by a natural cycle of the Earth, again, doesn’t matter. The fact is, regardless of what’s causing it, the warming of our planet is just getting started, and there is no chance that it will begin reversing that trend any time soon.
Another thing to keep in mind is that in this blog post we are covering our concerns about the impacts that this warming trend will have in our lifetimes. The greater impact it will have upon our children and future generations is outside the scope of this discussion.

Global warming already causing damage

Severe droughts in the past several years have caused critical declines in global food production. This has damaged humanity’s ability to produce every type of food product we rely upon, including grains, fruits, vegetables and meats.
The droughts—caused by changes in weather patterns due to global warming—have repeatedly caused crops to fail in the U.S. and other major food-exporting countries in recent years. In six of the past 11 years, the world has consumed more food than it has produced. This has caused world food reserves to fall to their lowest level since 1974.
According to Lester Brown, president of the Earth Policy Institute in Washington D.C., “We are entering a new era of rising food prices and spreading hunger. Food supplies are tightening everywhere and land is becoming the most sought-after commodity as the world shifts from an age of food abundance to one of scarcity.”
In a recent book, Brown also said, “Food shortages undermined earlier civilizations. We are on the same path. Each country is now fending for itself. The world is living one year to the next.”

Food shortage becoming obvious

Even in countries where the food shortage isn’t yet obvious, it’s still not difficult to see signs of it approaching. If you pay attention when buying food, you have likely already seen some of the following…
  • Rising prices – This is probably the most obvious of the signs. As food becomes more scarce, the prices are rising on the remaining limited food supply. You may have noticed food prices climbing faster than normal in recent years.
  • Smaller containers – This is a sign many people may not have noticed. If you have been paying close attention to the sizes of common food containers, you will have noticed that they are getting smaller. An example is orange juice. In the U.S. there used to be a standard size container that was one half gallon, 64 ounces. The “half gallon” was quietly reduced to 59 ounces and at the same time, the price was raised.
    This is not an isolated example. Food container sizes are gradually shrinking across a wide range of foods in almost every type of packaged food product. Look for it next time you buy food.
  • Lower quality – Many food producers are resorting to inferior quality, cheaper ingredients or fillers without telling the customer. For example, this is being done with coffee. Due to the rising cost of high quality coffee beans, many coffee brewers worldwide have resorted to quietly changing the balance of their brew. They have been secretly been using more of the cheaper and less flavorful “robusta” bean in place of the more highly regarded, more expensive “arabica” bean.
    Again, this is not an isolated example, but is happening across a diverse range of food products. A small sampling of offenders that have been caught include: ground meats [often not from the animal claimed, think of the recent news of horse meat in hamburgers]; olive oil [diluted with cheaper oils]; fruit juices [diluted with cheaper fruits, or added water and sugar]; tea [diluted with lawn grass or fern leaves]; spices [filler herbs often added, sometimes dangerous substances].

Another cause… peak oil

The threat of global warming to food production is huge. However, even if global warming were not a threat, we would still be in big trouble…
According to most scientists, our current global warming problem is caused by our use of oil for energy. So, it is somewhat ironic that we have an even more immediate threat than global warming, but one which is directly linked to it… the world is running out of oil.
The continuing decline of world oil supplies will cause massive disruptions to world food supplies — both the production and the delivery of food will suffer.
Food production
The nations which produce the most food, do so primarily with the use of modern farm machinery powered by petroleum-based fuels. Without these fuels, farms will not be able to operate their machinery. As a result, we simply won’t be able to cultivate land, plant seeds and harvest food on the massive scale we have in recent years.
We have become dependent upon oil, it largely powers our entire food industry. No oil means no food for most of the world.
Food delivery
Even if we had enough oil, or managed to plant and harvest the food by hand, transporting the food to market becomes an issue. Transportation of food to stores and markets will be disrupted once there isn’t enough fuel to power our long haul trucks, train lines and cargo ships.
Big cities will be hit hardest…
  • Big cities are heavily dependent on a constantly refreshed supply of food.
  • A big city, by definition, has a massive human population. Which, naturally, means more mouths to feed.
  • People in big cities rarely ever grow their own food. (And for the few who manage to grow a tiny garden, how long would that food last?)
  • Essentially all food must be delivered to big cities by some form of transportation — all of which depend on oil for energy.
  • It is estimated that in most big cities, the food supply on store shelves and in food markets would last 3 days, or less, if transportation were completely disrupted.
What happens after the food runs out in a big city? We predict: riots, chaos, mayhem. A big city is not a place you will want to be when food shortages become reality.

Part 5 is next…

There are at least 2 more parts to come in our Global Crisis blog post series. Be sure to read every post in the series to discover the big picture of how VirtaPay is positioning to help you profit from the global economic crisis and to help make the world a better place in the process.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Developing The Right Mentality Towards Internet Business

Developing The Right Mentality
Towards Internet Business
Why Most People Fail in Internet Business
There are many reasons most Nigerians are not making money online, but let me
group them into 3 major reasons;
1. Ignorance and misinformation
2. Laziness
3. Lack of the 2 Ps
Let's go into details on these 3 reasons...
Ignorance and MisinformationJust like the offline world, to really make money online, you must have specific
knowledge coupled with insider details, methods, and information from those
who have done it and are actually making money. You need to learn and
understand how the internet works and how online advertising and marketing
works in general. You need to learn and understand how search engines work and
how they can affect your success. You need to know how to bring up a miniwebsite,
buy a domain and host your sites. You need to know how to grow a list
of prospects the right way.
Come to think of it, if you want to start a Barbing Salon business, won't you first
go learn how to barb? Ya... the same thing applies to the online world. You must
learn, understand and know how to implement those knowledge.
Unfortunately, most people who venture into this business do not have the
complete knowledge about how these things work and what they should or
should not do. Many of these people come across partial information from
sources like websites, badly written ebooks, etc but because the information is
not complete, they end up failing in their online venture.
This happens to me once. My first website was I learnt
from a 'useless' ebook I bought few years back that I can make thousands of Naira
from reselling PLR books. So I bought a PLR ebook, set up a website for it, but
unfortunately, I did not make a single kobo before the site run down the drain.
I'm not saying reselling PLR ebooks is not a profitable business, in fact it is one of
the easiest ways to make ‘quick’ money online, but I don't get all the materials
and knowledge I need to make it a success from the ebook I bought. If I'd know
what I knew today, that my first website would have made me thousands of Naira
in the first month of setting it up.
Many of such websites and ebooks are created by people who tried the business
but failed so they want to make money by hoodwinking unsuspecting people into
thinking that they are gurus. Meanwhile all they offer is the same incomplete,
irrelevant and sometimes totally wrong information that they themselves could
not make money with. For you to succeed, you need to learn from people who
have actually done these things and succeeded. Learn from their experience and
valuable insights. The only challenge you might face is how to know who is fake
and who is real.
This has to do with unserious and lazy people. They got the information or ebook
for free and get started immediately. When things are not moving as fast as they
imagined or as they were told, they easily give up. They got the info for free, got a
website for free, tried it for a couple of weeks expecting instant results, saw no
results, got discouraged and gradually lost commitment simply because they had
nothing to lose by giving up. But as I always like to say: if setting it up had cost
them thousands of Naira, these people would have taken the business much
more seriously and shown far more commitment.
In fact this is the exact reason why I chose to charge for my ABK ebook and not
give them out for free like the other ones, even though I claim to be trying to help
the youths of Nigeria to empower themselves. Charging for the package is to
ensure that anybody who buys them must take the business very seriously and
show the needed level of commitment.
I used to teach people that ask me how to make money for free but noticed that
these set of people were not taking it seriously enough, so I decided to put it into
an ebook and charge for it, and behold, I suddenly started getting a lot of
Online business is full of challenges and I have since realized that people will only
show the desired level of seriousness when they have to pay for it because then
they will feel that they have something to lose if they do not put in their best. I
only have time to teach serious people so please don't ask me to help you by
giving you the materials for free because that will not help you.
Seriousness, commitment and dedication are the major ingredients that got me
to where I am today despite the many failures I experienced. So it is critical that
anyone who is attempting this online business must view it with the utmost
seriousness for him/her to succeed. If someone knows that he has put in money
to obtain this information then he will always consider the cost of failure and be
motivated to put in his/her very best. Only when you are damn serious about it
can you succeed in this business of ours.
If you read the day 1 lesson and you are still here reading this, I believe you are
serious and dedicated to learning how to succeed online. Please do not quit until
you start making money. That only will give me joy that I have influenced
someone else life today.
Lack of the 2 Ps
I must tell you, making money online is not easy at all. Please please and please,
don't let anyone deceive you into believing that making money online is very
easy. There are a lot of people selling crap and promising you that you will make
thousands overnight. That is bullshit, a bunch of lies. Online business doesn’t
work that way. If that is true, everyone will be millionaires by now. In fact, most
times the gains of online business do not come immediately and you might need
to keep trying and keep working for up to 6 months to a year before you started
seeing tangible results.
The good side of it… is that once you gather enough resources, knowledge,
experience and start making money, it will keep on increasing and increasing
every month while your work load will keep decreasing and decreasing every
Truly it is a beautiful thing and there is no other business like it in existence today.
People are not willing to wait for money to start flowing in like a waterfall. They
start today and expect to see big profits tomorrow. The problem is that many of
the fake "gurus" give people the impression that they can make money overnight
without having to do much at all. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Only in
extremely rare cases can this be true but most of the time, it's false.
In online business, results can be very volatile and unpredictable especially when
you do not already have a proven strategy that works. In my case, it took me
about 3 years of failures, anxiety, setbacks, trial and error before I could be able
to evolve my present methods. Luckily for you, you will not have to go through
the same stress because all you need to do now is to learn from my experience
and follow my lead. But this does not mean that you won't fail at least once, twice
or even thrice. The trick here is not to give up but try again even if you fail.
Remember, winners never quit and quitters will never win.
Although there are certain kind of businesses that can actually get you profits
within a few weeks, the majority of online businesses typically take between 9
and 12 months before you can expect to start seeing any tangible yields and
results. Until then, it's virtually all sweat with little returns. The only way you can
speed the process up is to spend money on advertising and list building. But if you
want to follow the free, no-expense, no-capital method, then you need to
prepare yourself to wait for about 5 to 12 months or more before you can expect
anything above N40,000 or N50,000 per month.
Did I hear you say that's too long? Then you can't make money online. No, it's not
a curse, it's a fact!
Some people are not ready to wait for a year. They forget that if they don't take
action and start something today, they may still be looking for a job or for a better
life one year from now. One year is really a short time and the sooner you start
the better. A thousand mile start with a step, remember?
Even if you are a worker, student or otherwise currently engaged in some
occupation or activity that takes up your time, you can still do it part time. Online
business has the long term potential to give you revenues many times higher than
what you will ever receive as a salary earner. Therefore the earlier you start out
on the online business journey, the better, because sincerely time waits for no
Developing the Right Mentality
For you to succeed in any endeavor, you must learn to imbibe the attitude of
positive thinking. Don't set your expectation too high at the beginning so that you
will not feel disappointed when you don't see the expected result. And at the
same time, do not set your expectation too low either. Believe and act and you
will see positive result.
You must believe that you will succeed and expect to succeed. You must set goals
for yourself and strive to reach them. Do not expect too much too soon. Always
seek to learn more and improve on your skills.
One of my students, who is an undergraduate, actually went to a 3-month
computer training after he bought my Adsense Bible Kit just to be able to get
started. If he had never believed he can make it, he won't have gone for the
computer training in the first place. Last time I talked with him, he is now making
about N35,000 per month.
This could also be your story. Imagine having the money to do anything you want
to do. You can take care of your family, your children, your parents, build your
own house, buy cars, start other businesses, settle down and get married (if you
are still single). Therefore you must continually tell yourself that you will succeed
in your online business and that you are prepared to do whatever it takes no
matter how long it takes you. Develop this mentality and pretty soon, you will
become rich beyond your wildest imagination.
Another important aspect of this section is getting it right from scratch. To avoid
any mistakes or years of un-fruitfulness, you must get started with a proven
method that works. For example, the methods explained in my 240-page ebook
"Adsense Bible Kit" are the method I have coded and refined over the years.
Although, my method in the ABK ebook is not the only way to do online business,
it shows you a deeper guide on creating a blog business that will surely produce
success. This makes me certain that if you follow those same methods and with
God on your side, then they will surely also work for you. Later on in this course I
shall talk more about the ABK guide and how you can get it but for now let's
continue our lecture.
And lastly, one of the important ingredients you need to succeed is having a
mentor. This is practicable in every aspect of life, not only with online business.
I have come to understand that a vital aspect of man's success and prosperity lies
greatly in how much he/she believes in and is motivated by a noble cause or a
higher intelligence. Having a motivating force is vital for online business success.
Personally, I attribute my entire success to the Almighty God. He is my number 1
motivator and I look up to him for guidance and support. Every single piece of
knowledge in my brain was brought my way by Him and I am grateful for that.
If you want to see success, get a mentor and believe in God that you will succeed.
Pay tithe, give generous offerings, give alms and help the needy. Be your brother's
keeper. And if you are a Moslem, observe the 5 Pillars of Islam and other things
your religion preaches and it will be well with you.
So, find someone whom you can continually look up to for advice and guidance.
This person should be someone who is already making money online. Although
most successful guys are foreigners, but we still have quit a few right here in
Nigeria. All of these people are accessible through their websites. You can get in
touch with them and make them your mentor.
In my own case, I learnt from almost all successful Internet Marketers and Pro
Bloggers out there and I recommend you do the same.
With all my points made, I will be rounding up today's training here. So expect my
next lesson tomorrow where we will be discussing the major requirements you
need in other to start an online business.

ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY How to Start and Make Money from Recharge Card Printing Business in Nigeria

                                                               FREE REPORT 
The GSM Recharge Card Printing Manual How to Start and Make Money from Recharge Card Printing Business in Nigeria
Get the Recharge Card Printing Business Kit, Including the List of Authorized & Reputable Dealers &
Printing Software for Just N800.
Legal Notice The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the business. The Publisher will not be responsible for any losses or damages of any kind incurred by the reader whether directly or indirectly arising from the use of the information found in this report. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. No guarantees of income are made. Reader assumes responsibility for use of information contained herein. The author reserves the right to make changes without notice. The Publisher assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the reader of this report.
GSM Recharge Card Printing Business Recharge card is one of the GSM products that every GSM users can't do without. Research has it that recharge cards or vouchers are the fastest selling products in the country accounting for over 10 million patronages per day. What a goldmine! No wonder, the recharge voucher printing business keeps booming amidst strong competitions and so many call centers springing up across the country day in, day out. This market is still growing and will continue to grow as long as telecommunications and mobile phones still exist. The reason is because the business has come to stay with the capacity to generate millions of naira from Nigerians who cannot do without buying recharge cards to connect with people for different purposes. If you¡¦ve been longing to venture into this money making opportunity in the GSM recharge card business but you don't know how or where to start, this report is your ticket to the mega opportunity in the GSM recharge card business.

Yet, very few people (about 10%) are opened to the reality of joining the group of sub-dealers and making huge profit through direct printing of bulk vouchers and retails sales. Many secondary school students are now using phones not minding using their ¡¥pocket money¡¦ to buy recharge cards. The aged are also in the game as their children send them recharge cards as a way of sending them money so that they can sell it for cash. The telecoms are extending their services to more villages, covering more area in Nigeria every day and just imagine how profitable it will be for someone to embrace a business like this especially at a locality where there is no or low competition. Even if you are located at a place where there are competitors, you will still have your own share of the market, no matter what. The truth of the matter is, competitions or no competitions, what really matters is how to go about carrying out the business efficiently and effectively. The recharge card printing business is getting easier day-by-day with the introduction of the internet. Few years ago, for any recharge card businessman to be involved in the recharge card business, he/she will have to travel down to a dealer¡¦s office in which most of them reside in Lagos. As a result of this, the businessman risks his/her life and cash by traveling from far distance down to Lagos.
But today, the story has changed! With the advancement in technology, any person that wants to be involved in this business can now easily start printing recharge vouchers from any part of Nigeria. You can even do this business without leaving your bedroom if you have access to the internet. As at today, all you need to start this business is to get access to the wholesaler¡¦s website (Dealers), and make your transactions easily by simply paying into their company¡¦s account. Then notify them of your payment and you will get your recharge PINs in your email inbox where you can then print it out and start selling in your locality. This process has become so easy compare to taking the risk of traveling or carrying bulky cash around the country. The Telecommunication Companies are now declaring their profits and turnovers which are running into trillions of Naira. Isn¡¦t that amazing? The most interesting part is that we can all have our share of this goldmine through printing and selling of these recharge cards. You can start this business on a large scale, medium or small scale having at the back of your mind that your profit will depends on how much you put into it ¡V as your capital.

How True is the Recharge Card Printing Business in Nigeria? Despite the fact that the GSM industry has become a widely accepted business, some people still doubt the authenticity and legality of this wonderful and profitable business. Let me use this medium to tell you that the recharge card printing business in Nigeria is as legal as any other legalized businesses in Nigeria. This is one of the businesses in Nigeria that you can do and the EFCC will not come after you. Let me explain this section very well¡K You see, before now, it is only the Major Dealers in the telecommunication industry that have the right to print recharge vouchers. These Dealers have to pay millions of Naira and followed stringent rules to become Dealers that can print vouchers and sell to Sub-Dealers who in turn sell to Retailers and finally to the Consumers (that¡¦s you).

However, with the advent of certain software, internet and computer, this has now changed for better. The recharge voucher printing business has become accessible to everyone. Ordinary people who don¡¦t have millions (as start-up capital) like me and you can now participate in the business easily. Although you need to have the knowledge, skills and appropriate tools/software/devices in order to get started and succeed in this business. The rights to Recharge Cards is vested only on the telecommunication operators in the country such as MTN, Glo, Etisalat, Airtel, Visafone, Starcomms and so on, while people like me and you can easily print Recharge Vouchers in partnership with some Major Dealers in the telecommunication industry, whom the GSM operators have given the sole license to distribute their recharge PINs. It should be noted that Recharge Cards is different from Recharge Vouchers. The Recharge Cards are in hard paper form, sealed with computerized security silver panel containing the PIN numbers for recharging. While the Recharge Vouchers are printed on soft papers with or without the name of the wholesaler on them and with no special security features. In summary, only the GSM Operators can print the computerized security sealed Recharge Cards while you and I can only print the Recharge Vouchers printed on ordinary soft papers.
In a lay man¡¦s explanation, recharge cards (N200 and above) are the ones you need to scratch before you can see the recharge PIN numbers while the ones on ordinary white soft paper are recharge vouchers (N100 ¡¥credits¡¦). This means you can only print recharge vouchers and not recharge cards. It is of general believe that the process involved in recharge vouchers business is a tedious and technical one, but to be frank with you, most of the technicalities have now been taken care of by the dealers who now offer different tools to individuals for them to start printing recharge vouchers on their own, even with just a few clicks of button.
Different Levels in Recharge Card Printing Business In the recharge card business, there are just 3 major levels and they are:
1. Dealers
2. Sub-Dealers
3. Small-Scale Investors
I will take a little time to explain this levels one after the other so that you can understands where you stand and how to get started on your own. DEALERS As a Dealer, you will be transacting directly with the GSM operators. At this level, you really need a large sum of money to venture into the Dealership level because if you don¡¦t have your millions, the GSM operators won¡¦t even listen to you.

Although the initial start-up capital together with other requirements and conditions vary according to the GSM operators, your business will be more profitable if you have direct supply from the GSM operators themselves. More so, as a major dealer, you will be entitled to incentives such as car allowance, housing allowance, oversea trips, etc, all sponsored by the GSM operators. All been said, if you don¡¦t have what it takes to be a Dealer, then the next level should be your next option. SUB-DEALER As a Sub-Dealer, you will have to transact directly with the Dealers. You have no business with the GSM operators themselves. As a Sub-Dealer, your account will be attached to that of a major Dealer, but the supply and provisions of the recharge PINs will still be coming directly from the GSM operators. It should be noted that, as a Sub-Dealer, you do not have access to all the incentives and allowances granted to the major Dealers. However, not having huge start-up capital to invest does not mean that you are counted out of the business; you can be involved as a Small-Scale Investor.
SMALL-SCALE INVESTOR As a Small-Scale Investor, you can start printing recharge vouchers with as little as N10,000 by dealing with Sub-Dealers, whom the GSM operators have given the sole license to distribute their recharge PINs. As a Small-Scale Investor, you can easily negotiate with any of the major Dealers or Sub-Dealers on how much you would like to start with them, then you will be on your way to making some good money in the business. This business will not make you rich overnight but can earn you some cool money and make you survive the current economic hardship. Little profits re-invested into this business over a period of time can surely get you there. This is very possible but you must be very ready to sow so as to reap.
What Materials Do I Need to Get Started? The required materials needed to start this business are not much and they can be fetched with little cash. To start printing recharge vouchers, you need some few materials and I will be classifying them into 2;
1. Computer, Printer, Printing Software and Bulk PINs
2. A Machine that Prints Recharge Vouchers without a Computer and Bulk PINs
The options are clear enough. In the first option (Number 1) above, all what you need is a Computer (either a Desktop or Laptop), a Printer, a Printing Software and the Bulk PINs.
While on the other hand (Number 2), you can alternatively make use of a Printing Machine, and the Bulk 
Also note that it is not necessary that the computer should be connected to the internet because the Printing Machine or Software does not require an internet connection. The only time you need internet is when you want to copy out the Bulk Recharge Card PINs that must have been sent to you by a Dealer or Sub-Dealer. I understand not everyone has internet connection at home, but you can still make use of a cyber cafe to get your PINs out. Copy it from your email inbox and paste it into a Notepad or MS Word, and then save it into your Flash Drive. A plain A4 Paper is suitable for this type of business. You can make use of either a black and white, or coloured printer. The Dealer you will be using might provide you with the printing software. Some Dealers give their software out free of charge while some charge some amount for the software and installation. So if you have just N10,000 start-up capital, you should make sure you use Dealers that give out their software out for free. All that will be required of you is just to order for a minimum of 100 Recharging PINs which will be sent to you, probably through your email address once your payment has been confirmed.
Finding Reputable and Genuine Recharge Card Dealers Before starting this recharge card printing business, you must first locate reputable and genuine dealers so that you won¡¦t fall victims to scammers and un-authorized Dealers disguising as authorized ones. This is very important so that you won¡¦t lose all your start-up capital. After finding reputable Dealers, you need to look for the ones that are ready to start selling recharging PINs at a reduced cost. Most of the Dealers you will find sell recharge PINs of ALL NETWORKS. These are the people you will be dealing with and not directly with GSM operators (MTN, Glo, Etisalat, Airtel, etc) or unless you too want to be a major Dealer
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Ordering Your Bulk PINs To pay for recharging PINs (vouchers), you will need to make payment to the company¡¦s account number. After payment, you will also need to send your payment details by a text message to the Dealer so that they can process and send your PINs via your preferred methods. You can always get your Dealer¡¦s bank account details from their website or through text messages once you contact them. So once you pay into the Dealer¡¦s account, just go ahead to send them a text message for them to be able to confirm the payment as early as possible. For example, if you pay into any Dealer¡¦s account, you can send something like this; ¡§Send me MTN N100 (100 PINs). I have paid to your account. Name: Oyedepo John. Teller No.: 00000. My Email:¡¨ You might also want to include any other info they might have asked you to send along with the text message. Also make sure the name you send is the same as the depositor¡¦s name. This is just for them to quickly confirm your payment so that they can send your PINs ASAP.
Note that it is important you call the Dealers to confirm if they have on ground what you intend to buy before going ahead to make payment into their account. This will save you time and will not cause any delay in getting your PINs. The minimum order placement you can make is 100 units of any network you want to buy. Bulk order is necessary in this business because Dealers only sell PINs in 100s. You can not buy 99 PINs or 110 PINs, it must be in 100s. Bit-by-bit orders are not allowed but you can sell in bit to your own customers. Hey John, what if the PINs are fake? Don¡¦t even think about that. The PIN numbers are so protected that even the Dealers can¡¦t see it because it is encrypted. The first person that will ever see it is you that printed it out. There job is just to transact directly with GSM operators, collect the encrypted PINs in bulk and then start selling it out. They have no business going through the PIN numbers.
How to Print Recharge Vouchers with a Printing Software If you will be using a software to print out your vouchers, then a computer and a printer is a must. It is not compulsory that the computer should be connected to the internet. You only need an internet connection when you want to copy out your Bulk PINs sent by the Dealer. Because they will be sending the PINs into your email inbox, you need to connect to the internet, login to your email, open the message that was sent to you by the Dealer and then copy them out and paste them into a Notepad on your laptop. If you don¡¦t have a laptop to take to a cyber cafe, you can make use of a flash drive. Before you even get started, your computer should be in good condition. Install a good up-to-date antivirus to get rid of any virus. An active email account is also important in this business.
This is how it works¡K
Make sure your computer system, printer and A4 paper are ready.
„h Log on to the internet to open an email account if you don¡¦t have any before. A Yahoo Mail ( or Gmail ( is okay.
„h Search and find a suitable and reputable Dealer to buy bulk PINs from.
„h Visit their website and complete a registration form or visit their office if you¡¦re in the same vicinity with the Dealer.
„h After the registration is successful, you will be provided with an ID and a Password to access the printing software on your computer. Note that some Dealers will allow you to register for free while some will demand you pay for their software. But don¡¦t worry, there is a free software you can use for this. I will talk about it later, so keep reading.
„h Go back to the Dealer¡¦s website or their office to download the software so that you can install it on your computer system. After downloading the software, install it directly on your desktop. This is the software you will be using every time you want to print out your vouchers. If you need to visit the Dealer¡¦s office, they will assist you in installing the software but you will need to carry your laptop or desktop computer along with you.
„h Next, purchase bulk PINs from your chosen Dealer. First, call them up to confirm if they have available what you intend to buy before sending money into their account. You can ask them about the current prices they sell their various recharge PINs of various networks. If you are satisfied with
Get the Recharge Card Printing Business Kit, Including the List of Authorized & Reputable Dealers &
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The GSM Recharge Card Printing Business Manual¡¦s Free Report ¡V by ¡V Oyedepo John 24
he payment, send a text message to the Dealer¡¦s agent to notify them about your payment details. Also with a text message, you can send a break down of your order to the agent. For example, ¡§Send to me 200 units of N100 MTN, 100 units of N100 Glo, & 500 units of N100 Airtel.¡¨
„h Once they confirm your payment, they will send the PINs to your email address. Sign in to your email, copy these PINs and save it in a Notepad or Microsoft Word document on your desktop.
„h Then print out these PINs in form of a voucher using the printing software. The software has special features, one of which will ask you where you saved your PINs and it will upload it automatically. Next, connect your printer to your computer system, do some settings inside the software and then print out your vouchers. There are 10 PINs in each Pack, so 100 PINs will produce 10 Packs. That means you will need just 10 papers to print out 100 recharge PINs.
Once you get to this stage, you are already in business. You are actually on your way to making good profits from this venture.
Another wonderful feature of my Universal Printing Software is that you can inscribe your Business Name on the voucher. This can also contain your shop address or mobile number so that people can reach you through phone if they
Get the Recharge Card Printing Business Kit, Including the List of Authorized & Reputable Dealers for Just N800 Send mail to or

want to buy packs of vouchers. Most of these softwares are very easy to use. They also comes with a User¡¦s Guide which can guide you through anything you want to do with it.
How to Print Recharge Vouchers Without a Computer In some cases where you don¡¦t have a thing for computers or you don¡¦t have one, there are some Dealers who have provided alternatives. One of such Dealers provides an Orange Box with which you can use to print recharge vouchers. This machine is portable and looks similar to those POS (Point of Sale) machines that are been used by Fast Foods Restaurants (e.g. Mr. Biggs), big Super Markets, Shopping Malls, etc. to make payment with your ATM cards. These types of machine also make use of batteries, hence the reason you hear some people say they can print recharge cards without electricity. Orange Box is not free. You can always get the latest price from your chosen Dealer. However, apart from Orange Box, there are now many Recharge Card Printing Machines which also make use of batteries and are quite portable just like Orange Box. But none of these machines are free. They cost a few thousands of Naira to acquire them.
How to Make Money Printing & Selling Recharge Vouchers I have compiled this short report not to make you a millionaire in the next 7 days. But to give you an insight that there is a fortune to be made from recharge card printing business in Nigeria. If you are wondering how possible to make money from selling your recharge vouchers and make good profits, then you need to clear your doubt right now. It is very possible to make money from printing recharge vouchers and selling in bulk (packs) or in piece to customers. It may even be bothering you as an entrepreneur how to go about selling the recharge vouchers or having the fear that you are new in the business and may be denied good patronage. Don¡¦t worry, this tips can help you succeed¡K
What you need to do is very simple. First make a thorough research of your locality. Make a list of Voucher Dealers that sell at the cheapest rate to the GSM Call Centers around you. Then try to reasonably cut your own price and wait for the outcome. You will discover that people tend to walk a few kilometers from their vicinity to patronize a Dealer in another locality simply because of a reduction in price, which might not even be more than 50 kobo. For example, if the cheapest MTN N100 in your area goes for N960 per pack, you may sell yours for N95.50 to beat the other Dealers (your competitors) hands down. With a simple mathematical calculation, if you make N4 profit per recharge voucher and sell 1000 packs in a month, it means you will be making around N40,000 in a month (N4 x 10,000 PINs). However, it should be noted that no matter the number of your competitors, you will still have your fair share of the market, whether you reduce your own price or not, so far you can put in good marketing strategies in place to defect your direct competitors. This is a principle that is driven by creativity and good marketing strategies. Just believe that your customers will always come to you no matter what.
A good way to beat others is to promise your customers that you will be bringing the vouchers to them instead of them coming to you. Make sure you exchange numbers and have then ¡¥flash¡¦ your phone number whenever they need to buy vouchers. In addition, selling at both wholesale and retail level can bring in extra earnings and increase your profit margin. Selling directly to final consumers will surely double your gains because you will be making both the profits of a Sub-Dealer and a Retailer. This method has been tested and working wonderfully. I also implemented this method when I first started out in late 2009. Another method is to let others work for you. With this method, you involve people who may not be ordinary interested in printing recharge vouchers, by offering them vouchers on credits. After selling, they will return your money to you and they will keep the profit. For example, Mr. Obinna, who sells phone cover cases, mobile chargers and phone batteries may not be selling recharge cards. You can approach Mr. Obinna and offer him some cards at the rate of say N98. He sells each for N100 and makes N2 on each while you make N6 and at the same it, sell faster. However, it is the cumulative effect of this that will count in the long run. Also make sure the person you will be partnering with is a trustworthy person and that he/she will be paying you on time.
If you can sit down and study your market properly, you will discover other techniques that will work out for you. Always bear in mind that no matter the number of your competitors, you will still have your fair share of the market. I will also like to stress the fact that no matter your location and no matter your market competitors, you will still grab your fair share of the market, having put in place good marketing strategies to push your sales.
Knowing Your Customers Your customers are very important in this business. You need to be able to locate your target customers so that selling can be very easy for you. Your customers are those people in your area that engage in GSM-related businesses and those involved in inter-personal communication through GSM. The group of these people can be said to be;
„h GSM Call Centers
„h Road-side Recharge Card Vendors
„h Mobile Phone Sellers
„h Individuals
„h And so on¡K
You can decide to sell to any of these customers who are retailers, leaving certain reasonable profit margin for them as well, while you discharge your products as fast as possible to replenish your stock in time.
In terms of individuals who are the final consumers, you can sell to them and double your profits. This way, you will be making both profits of a Sub-Dealer and a Retailer. However, the only disadvantage of limiting yourself to sell directly to the final consumers is that your stock may not move fast even though the profit is doubled.
Conclusion Wow¡K it¡¦s been an eye-opening right from the start, isn¡¦t it? I believe I¡¦ve done justice to this report by explaining the nitty gritty of GSM Recharge Card Printing Business in Nigeria ¡V how you can start making money from the business with you putting some good marketing strategies in place. For those who are serious and ready to go into the business and start making extra income with a small start-up capital of about N10,000 or more, I have taken my time to compile a step-by-step package called ¡§Recharge Card Printing Business Kit¡¨. If you want to venture into this business and get a successful start-up journey instantly, then you need to download this package. In this package, you will get to discover:
„h The names of reputable and authorized Dealers or companies you can choose from, their contact addresses, phone numbers and website addresses (if any).
„h The different prices the different Dealers are selling recharge PINs of different networks.
„h The Dealers that require you to have access to computer and those that do not.
„h How you can inscribe your Business Name or any name on the recharge vouchers.
„h A pictorial guide on how to use the Universal Printing Software.
„h And many more.

Get the Recharge Card Printing Business Kit, Including the List of Authorized & Reputable Dealers for Just N800. Send mail to or
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Discover How To Make N100,000 Monthly As A Member of IdealWealthGroup

IdealWealthGroup Money
Making Tactics
Discover How To Make N100,000 Monthly As A
Member of IdealWealthGroup

Is it possible for you to make N50,000 and above from Ideal Wealth Group as a
member? The answer is a yes! But there is a big but attached to it. The very big
but is that you must follow the steps, call it formula, that I am about to outline for
you here. Now don’t get scared! I will show you both the stress free and fraud
free way of making money online as a member of Ideal Wealth Group. Ideal
Wealth Group is the first Nigerian Multi Level Marketing company where you are
paid N1000 for every member that joins the group through your referral link.
Apart from that Ideal Wealth Group marketing effort will generate downline
worth of N50,000 for you without your own effort. That means as a member of
this group you stand a chance of earning as high as N50,000 from the program
with little or no effort from you.
So if you are ready and determined let’s get stated.

IdealWealthGroup Money Making Overview.
Ideal Wealth Group (IWGroup) Ideal Wealth Group is a network marketing
business that is designed in such a way that every member of the group will earn
as high as N150,000 in a shortest time possible. With the way program is designed
member can start earning the same day they join the program.
Ideal Wealth Group Group is no compulsory referral multi level marketing
business called network marketing company. We are into Health and Wealth
product. What make us different from other network marketing company is that
our member can earn without referring people base on the fact that our system
has been set up in such a way that all new members that are coming into the
program will be placed under any of the current members and for every downline
that we placed under you, you will earn N1000 bonus called cycling bonus. That is
why we said you can earn as high as N50,000 without referring anybody to the
Ideal Wealth. This is earn as you learn program which means this program is
mainly created to open the eyes of people to what to do to create and manage
wealth in Nigeria.

Being a member of Ideal Wealth Group you have the opportunity to earn as high
as N100,000 monthly.
You can refer people to the program without any fear of losing your referral
bonus because with the help of our website every member will have affiliate link
they can send to their friends. With this referral link you will be able to claim your
referral bonus without stress.
Among benefits of IdealWealthGroup are:
· Ability to earn as high as N50,000 monthly.
· As a member of Ideal Wealth Group you will also have the opportunity to
download ebook worth $1800 at no cost.
· As a member of Ideal Wealth Group you will have the opportunity to attend
our premium seminar at no cost.
· Ability to have one on one consultation with Admin without paying
consultation fee.
And lot of other benefits you will discover later in this manual.
Join today at
There are three ways to make money from IdealWealthGroup.
1. Cycling bonus: This is the bonus we pay to our member without referring
people and this is base on number of people that are joining the program after
you have joined. You might have not benefited from this cycling bonus base on
the fact that we dont have enough people joining the program recently. We are
still working on getting more members so that we will be able to get cycling bonus
for people.
2. Referral Bonus: Referral bonus is paid to you when you refer people to the
program. You get N1000 referral bonus for every referral you made.
3. Promoting Ideal Products & Services: You get 20% discount on every
IdealWealthGroup product you purchased with an option to become member of
any program we are promoting without paying registration fee for that program.
For instance we are partner to Kedi Health Care and we are giving free
registration of Kedi to all member of IdealWealthGroup.
By accumulating all this earnings together with all the marketing ideas we will be
teaching you in this manual you will be able to make as high as N50,000 every
month. Join today at

It’s true that you might have lost your money by joining a program like this in the
past but let me quickly tell you the difference between this program and others.
I want you to note that this program is earn as learn program where you will learn
many things regarding wealth creation and you will also have the opportunity to
download many internet marketing tools at no cost. All these benefit alone worth
more than N2500 so you have nothing to lose.
Now lets get into detail on how to make at least N50,000 from IdealWealthGroup
base on the three earning potentials itemized above.
1. Cycling Bonus
2. Referral Bonus
3. 20% Commission or Discount on IdealWealthGroup Products & Services.
Let take it one after other by first of all show you how to become a member of
IdealWealthGroup. Join today at
In order to become a member of IdealWealtGroup you can visit and click on join now as show in the image below.
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Then complete the registration form with your detail as shown below:
On the payment option field click on the small arrow in front of it to see all the
payment method accepted. We are currently accepting two mode of payment
which is Bank deposit and Liberty reserve. Choose the one you prefer.
On Bank info field you will put detail of your through which your earnings will be
For instance if you are using Bank deposit you will put Your bank name, account
name and account number in this format GTBank Lawal Bolaji 0029063324
But if you are using Libert reserve you will just supply your lr number in this
format U0306195.
Join today at

After clicking on Join IdealWealthGroup button you will be redirected to the next
page where you will see instruction on how to activate your account. In order to
activate your account you will need to pay your membership registration fee of
N2500 or $15 of LR.
After making the payment you will then send your name, amount paid and teller
number to after that you will need to wait for 24 hours
for admin to activate your account.
When account is activated you will receive a mail from admin with subject “Your
Account Has Been Acctivated” this mail will comprise of your ID number and
password you will be using to login to the member area.
Just check your mail after 24hours of sending your payment notification for that

It’s time to login into your IdealWealthGroup account to discover all the benefit of
the program. In order to login you can visit and input your ID number and
password in the appropriate field as shown in the image below:
Once you login you will be redirected to member area where you will be able to
explore all the opportunity presented by IdealWealthGroup. Join today at

1) Click on Promotional Center and you will see your referral link there. You will
also find the ads and banners that you can use for promoting See the image below:

When people use your referral link to register for the program admin will know
they are from you and place them under you as your downline. For each downline
put under you, you will earn N1000 referral bonus. If you refer 50 people in a
month that means you have earned yourself N50,000 referral bonus in that
2) Click on Statistics and you will find your earning stats. You will see the amount
you have earned and you will see those people you have referred directly. See the
image below:

Total number of entry means that you have earned $20 times number of your
entries minus current entry.
For instance the account detail screenshot shown above shows that the account
holder has earned $20 times number of entries minus his current entry which is
$20 times 5 which equal to $100 as shown above.
Each entry means you have earned $20 and each entry is completed when you
have three people under you in that entry after that you will earn $20 and move
to another entry.
You have people under you when you directly refer people to the program using
your referral link or when admin put people under you through our
randomization program base on number of people that are joining the program
after you.
You can request for withdrawal any time base on commission you have earned
by sending withdrawal request to admin through contact us on the website. You
must include your ID number and your bank information or liberty reserve
account in the message when you are requesting for withdrawal.

Your withdrawal request will be processed and paid to you within three working
3) Click on the Bonus link to get the bonuses for joining
This bonus include many internet marketing ebooks and software worth of $1800.
See the image below:
4) Click on the Profile link to update your profile. You can change your personal
information like name, contact address and password from this link.
5) Click on the Logout link when you are through working on your account to
avoid other people from gaining access to your account.

6) Click on the affiliate ebook to download the master affiliate marketing ebook
available for you as a member of the group. These ebooks worth $197 but you
will get it for free as a member of IdealWealthGroup
7) Click on the Idea Product to see all IdealWealthGroup products. You get 20%
discount as a member IdealWealthGroup when you order for any of the product
on that page. You also get 20% commission when you refer people to buy any of
the product of idealWealthGroup.
Now let get into detail on how you can make as high as N1million in 12 month as
a member of IdealWealthGroup using the power of facebook.
Below you will discover:
1) How to use Facebook wall to market referral link.
2) How to create Facebook fanpage for the network marketing company to
market referral link.
3) How to get fans for my Facebook fanpage.

4) How to use Facebook ad to market Facebook fanpage plus how to get the
ad very cheap at 0.01/click.
5) How to update Facebook fanpage with the referral link.
Plus how to become a member of Kedi Health Care free of charge as a member of
IdealWealthGroup and how you can use our marketing tactics to qualify for Kedi
Car Award within 18 months.
You first of all login to your IdealWealthGroup Account as explained above and
click on promotional center to get your referral link.
Join today at

Facebook is the easiest and the most converting way to market your referral
link through the internet. I’m saying that because you can find the actual people
that likes your niche. That means the traffic is targeted so your link will be a
success in Facebook. I’m going to tell how to market your referral link from your
wall more efficiently. This step by step guide will provide a good knowledge about
Facebook even for a newbie. I’ll explain it with screenshots so you can understand
it easily.
Step 1
Go to and sign up for a new account if you don’t have
a one. (Or you can simply login to your existing account.)

After clicking “Sign Up” go to your e
Open that and confirm your account by clicking the link in it.
Step 2
After you login find fan pages and groups to suite your niche.
something like “money making tips” without quote.
After clicking “Sign Up” go to your e-mail and there will an e-mail from Facebook.
t and confirm your account by clicking the link in it.
And go into that pages and add friends from that pages to your Facebook
account. So that means you have friends that interests in your referral link topic.
Try to add highest number of possible friends per day. With that you should be
able to reach 5000 friends in shortest time possible. With 5000 friends on
facebook getting 100 downlines should not be difficult for you. With 100
downlines that means you would have earned N100,000.
Step 3
Go to your home page and post your referral link using with an attrac
iends attractive
And here I’m going to tell you how to create a new fan page for your company
to market the referral link. I’m inserting screen shots so you can understand
Step 1
Logout from your Facebook account and go to the main page of Facebook. And at
the bottom of that page you can find a link called “Create a page”. Click on that.
Logout from your Facebook account and go to the main page of Facebook. And at
the bottom of that page you can find a link called “Create a page”. Click on that.
Step 2
From the next page select a category for your company fan page. And click on it.

And fill the form that comes after you click. And put a tick to the box that s
agree”. Then click “Get Started”
Step 3
From the next page select “I already have a Facebook account”. And login with
your Facebook account.
And fill the form that comes after you click. And put a tick to the box that says “I
Step 4
From the next page select a picture from your computer to use as the fan page
picture. 1st click on “Upload from computer”
And select a picture you like from your computer and click open.
Wait until the upload finishes and it will show your image. Then click “Next”.
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Step 5
Fill the next form with your company info and click “Save info”
Step 6
Fill the form with your company name as the Facebook web address. This means
when you share your fan page address among your clients you can give the
address like this.
PDF created with pdfFactory trial version
Now you have to get fans for your fan page. After getting your targeted
fans you can easily market your referral link through your fan page. You can invite
your friends to like your page. This is how to invite friends.
Step 1
Click on “Build Audience” button located at the top right corner if the fan page.
And from the sub menu click on “Invite Friends”.
s Click on “Build Audience” button located at the top right corner if the fan page.
And from the sub menu click on “Invite Friends”.
Step 2
From the popup window select friends you like and click o
on “Submit” button.
n PDF created with pdfFactory trial version
And also you can share your page on you time line and on groups. Simply select
click on “Build Audience” like before and click on “Share Page” and share your
Facebook for literally pennies. This course is not going to be on Fanpage
promotion but will mainly focus on creating an effective ad campaign for your
Fanpage andget thousands and thousands of “Likes” in just a day.In Fanpag
Secrets I will show you how to createyour ad campaign and how to get cheap
clicks from theword go. I will also show you the types of niches totarget and how
Fanpage Ad
PDF created with pdfFactory trial version
to create a profitable campaign until yourpage grows so big that it effectively
becomes “viral” onits own.
Step 1
Click on “Build Audience” and then click on “Create an ad”. Then design your ad.
As you can see I have used a simple body. This bodytext relates to the ad. For
example, “like” this page if youlove XYZ product.I always keep it short a
to create a profitable campaign until yourpage grows so big that it effectively
and sweet and I get the most clicktroughs rate this way. Image is also important. I have used
the image of a scene from the movie so the target market can relate tothis.
The next thing you need to focus is the “Targeting” of the ad.This is where things
can get very interesting. When people create their Facebook ad campaigns for
their Fanpages they often target the three main markets– UK, USA and Canada.
However, did you know that the clicks for these countries have gone up
considerably? This means people are paying around $0.89 per click! This not only
uses your budget up a lot but also can exhaust your funds in a short space of time.
Instead I am going to focus on Nigeria traffic to get cheap clicks and I am also
going to target my add to only those people interested in my area advertising. I
will also cost per impression CPM instead of Cost Per Click. I will also target
people within age of 25 and 50 as that is working age that will be interested in my
In this case I am going to target the country Nigeria because there is a lot of
people interested in this type of businesse from this part of the world according
to Google Insights. And here is the good news…These clicks are going to only cost
me around 0.01 per impression!
PDF created with pdfFactory trial version
As you can see if you set a CPM (Cost Per Impression)campaign then you are
literally going to be paying pennies!
This is just estimation as to how much this traffic will cost you.
potentially you are going to be getting
page for cheap, in a short space of time
This is very easy. You have to do some simple things
your referral link.
Step 1
you can see if you set a CPM (Cost Per Impression)campaign then you are
pennies! Do not be fooled by the “suggested bid” tool.
estimation as to how much this traffic will cost you. So this means
going to be getting thousands and thousands of likes to your
cheap, in a short space of time.
to update your fan page with
Do not be fooled by the “suggested bid” tool.
So this means
thousands and thousands of likes to your
PDF created with pdfFactory trial version
Go to your fan page. And you’ll see a status update box like this.
Paste your referral link
write a small description about it. And then click on the “Post” button.
Don’t forget that as member of IdealWealthGroup you are qualify for free
registration of Kedi Health Care where you can make additional income selling
Health Care product and get unbelievable referral bonus from all
sold by those downlines under you. This is one of the easiest
in Nigeria and that is why we have
Joining KEDI normally cost N2500 for registration kit but you will get
kit for free as a member of IdealWealthGroup. All you need to do after registering
for KEDI is selling products worth of N42,000 after doing this you are on your way
Go to your fan page. And you’ll see a status update box like this.
on the box. And then
t. the products
ways to make money
added it as a benefit for all IdealWealthGroup
PDF created with pdfFactory trial version
to make your first million within the next 12months and qualify car award in 18
If you are sincerely ready to change your lifestyle and become your own boss this
is the business you will have to do as we currently have thousands of Nigerians
who are making millions of naira from this business every year.
If you are ready for this business but will like to learn more about it I will be ready
to train you absolutely free of charge. Just contact me at I
will take you one-on-one training for free.
Happy Promoting from the staff at
Join today at

Tuesday 16 April 2013

With Just N2500 One Time Membership Fee You Will Be Able to Earn Up to N100,000 Monthly.

With Just N2500 One Time Membership Fee You Will Be Able to Earn Up to N100,000 Monthly. 

Ideal Wealth Group is a network marketing business that is designed in such a way that every member of the group will earn as high as N100,000 in every month. With the way program is designed member can start earning the same day they join the program. As a member of Ideal Wealth Group you have your own unique membership ID which differentiates you from other members. With this unique we will be able to trace your earnings and credit your account as at when due.You also get 20% bonus for every product you or your downlines purchase from every month. Accumulation of all these bonuses is what we mean by the fact that you can earn up to N170,000 per month as a member of IdealWealthGroup.
You will also get N1000 referral bonus for every person you refer to the program. You also get 20% bonus for every product you or your downlines purchase from
There are two ways to you can use to refer people to the program:
1. By word of mouth. Just tell your friends and relatives about the business and when they registered you just notify admin at that you are the one refer that person and you will get your referral bonus paid immediately.
2. You can also refer people using online marketing like facebook. Login to your IdealWealthGroup account, click on promotional center, you will see a link there, that link is your referral link. You can share the link on facebook and when anybody registers through that link we will know that they are from you and you will get paid for it.
You can join us today at
In filling the registration form you only need to provide your names, address and postal code which is 234000 for Nigeria. You will also need to provide us your account information which we will be using to pay your bonuses. In the payment option field you will choose either liberty reserve or bank deposit.
If you chose liberty reserve you will need to provide us your liberty reserve account number and account name in the next field.
If you chose Bank deposit you will need to provide us your Bank Name, account Name, Account number and branch of your bank in the next field.
In the password field; we are not asking for the password to any of your account; we only ask you to input any word you will be using as password to login to your IdealWealthGroup account. And in the next field you will need to provide your real email address through which we can contact you for any information.
Don’t forget that apart from all other benefit of IdealWealthGroup if you join us this week you will have access to download ebooks worth of $170 for free. So don’t forget to join us immediately at
Lawal Gafar
PS: IdealWealthGroup seminar will come up in the first week of April in Ibadan and Lagos. More detail about this will be sent to your email later.