Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Developing The Right Mentality Towards Internet Business

Developing The Right Mentality
Towards Internet Business
Why Most People Fail in Internet Business
There are many reasons most Nigerians are not making money online, but let me
group them into 3 major reasons;
1. Ignorance and misinformation
2. Laziness
3. Lack of the 2 Ps
Let's go into details on these 3 reasons...
Ignorance and MisinformationJust like the offline world, to really make money online, you must have specific
knowledge coupled with insider details, methods, and information from those
who have done it and are actually making money. You need to learn and
understand how the internet works and how online advertising and marketing
works in general. You need to learn and understand how search engines work and
how they can affect your success. You need to know how to bring up a miniwebsite,
buy a domain and host your sites. You need to know how to grow a list
of prospects the right way.
Come to think of it, if you want to start a Barbing Salon business, won't you first
go learn how to barb? Ya... the same thing applies to the online world. You must
learn, understand and know how to implement those knowledge.
Unfortunately, most people who venture into this business do not have the
complete knowledge about how these things work and what they should or
should not do. Many of these people come across partial information from
sources like websites, badly written ebooks, etc but because the information is
not complete, they end up failing in their online venture.
This happens to me once. My first website was I learnt
from a 'useless' ebook I bought few years back that I can make thousands of Naira
from reselling PLR books. So I bought a PLR ebook, set up a website for it, but
unfortunately, I did not make a single kobo before the site run down the drain.
I'm not saying reselling PLR ebooks is not a profitable business, in fact it is one of
the easiest ways to make ‘quick’ money online, but I don't get all the materials
and knowledge I need to make it a success from the ebook I bought. If I'd know
what I knew today, that my first website would have made me thousands of Naira
in the first month of setting it up.
Many of such websites and ebooks are created by people who tried the business
but failed so they want to make money by hoodwinking unsuspecting people into
thinking that they are gurus. Meanwhile all they offer is the same incomplete,
irrelevant and sometimes totally wrong information that they themselves could
not make money with. For you to succeed, you need to learn from people who
have actually done these things and succeeded. Learn from their experience and
valuable insights. The only challenge you might face is how to know who is fake
and who is real.
This has to do with unserious and lazy people. They got the information or ebook
for free and get started immediately. When things are not moving as fast as they
imagined or as they were told, they easily give up. They got the info for free, got a
website for free, tried it for a couple of weeks expecting instant results, saw no
results, got discouraged and gradually lost commitment simply because they had
nothing to lose by giving up. But as I always like to say: if setting it up had cost
them thousands of Naira, these people would have taken the business much
more seriously and shown far more commitment.
In fact this is the exact reason why I chose to charge for my ABK ebook and not
give them out for free like the other ones, even though I claim to be trying to help
the youths of Nigeria to empower themselves. Charging for the package is to
ensure that anybody who buys them must take the business very seriously and
show the needed level of commitment.
I used to teach people that ask me how to make money for free but noticed that
these set of people were not taking it seriously enough, so I decided to put it into
an ebook and charge for it, and behold, I suddenly started getting a lot of
Online business is full of challenges and I have since realized that people will only
show the desired level of seriousness when they have to pay for it because then
they will feel that they have something to lose if they do not put in their best. I
only have time to teach serious people so please don't ask me to help you by
giving you the materials for free because that will not help you.
Seriousness, commitment and dedication are the major ingredients that got me
to where I am today despite the many failures I experienced. So it is critical that
anyone who is attempting this online business must view it with the utmost
seriousness for him/her to succeed. If someone knows that he has put in money
to obtain this information then he will always consider the cost of failure and be
motivated to put in his/her very best. Only when you are damn serious about it
can you succeed in this business of ours.
If you read the day 1 lesson and you are still here reading this, I believe you are
serious and dedicated to learning how to succeed online. Please do not quit until
you start making money. That only will give me joy that I have influenced
someone else life today.
Lack of the 2 Ps
I must tell you, making money online is not easy at all. Please please and please,
don't let anyone deceive you into believing that making money online is very
easy. There are a lot of people selling crap and promising you that you will make
thousands overnight. That is bullshit, a bunch of lies. Online business doesn’t
work that way. If that is true, everyone will be millionaires by now. In fact, most
times the gains of online business do not come immediately and you might need
to keep trying and keep working for up to 6 months to a year before you started
seeing tangible results.
The good side of it… is that once you gather enough resources, knowledge,
experience and start making money, it will keep on increasing and increasing
every month while your work load will keep decreasing and decreasing every
Truly it is a beautiful thing and there is no other business like it in existence today.
People are not willing to wait for money to start flowing in like a waterfall. They
start today and expect to see big profits tomorrow. The problem is that many of
the fake "gurus" give people the impression that they can make money overnight
without having to do much at all. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Only in
extremely rare cases can this be true but most of the time, it's false.
In online business, results can be very volatile and unpredictable especially when
you do not already have a proven strategy that works. In my case, it took me
about 3 years of failures, anxiety, setbacks, trial and error before I could be able
to evolve my present methods. Luckily for you, you will not have to go through
the same stress because all you need to do now is to learn from my experience
and follow my lead. But this does not mean that you won't fail at least once, twice
or even thrice. The trick here is not to give up but try again even if you fail.
Remember, winners never quit and quitters will never win.
Although there are certain kind of businesses that can actually get you profits
within a few weeks, the majority of online businesses typically take between 9
and 12 months before you can expect to start seeing any tangible yields and
results. Until then, it's virtually all sweat with little returns. The only way you can
speed the process up is to spend money on advertising and list building. But if you
want to follow the free, no-expense, no-capital method, then you need to
prepare yourself to wait for about 5 to 12 months or more before you can expect
anything above N40,000 or N50,000 per month.
Did I hear you say that's too long? Then you can't make money online. No, it's not
a curse, it's a fact!
Some people are not ready to wait for a year. They forget that if they don't take
action and start something today, they may still be looking for a job or for a better
life one year from now. One year is really a short time and the sooner you start
the better. A thousand mile start with a step, remember?
Even if you are a worker, student or otherwise currently engaged in some
occupation or activity that takes up your time, you can still do it part time. Online
business has the long term potential to give you revenues many times higher than
what you will ever receive as a salary earner. Therefore the earlier you start out
on the online business journey, the better, because sincerely time waits for no
Developing the Right Mentality
For you to succeed in any endeavor, you must learn to imbibe the attitude of
positive thinking. Don't set your expectation too high at the beginning so that you
will not feel disappointed when you don't see the expected result. And at the
same time, do not set your expectation too low either. Believe and act and you
will see positive result.
You must believe that you will succeed and expect to succeed. You must set goals
for yourself and strive to reach them. Do not expect too much too soon. Always
seek to learn more and improve on your skills.
One of my students, who is an undergraduate, actually went to a 3-month
computer training after he bought my Adsense Bible Kit just to be able to get
started. If he had never believed he can make it, he won't have gone for the
computer training in the first place. Last time I talked with him, he is now making
about N35,000 per month.
This could also be your story. Imagine having the money to do anything you want
to do. You can take care of your family, your children, your parents, build your
own house, buy cars, start other businesses, settle down and get married (if you
are still single). Therefore you must continually tell yourself that you will succeed
in your online business and that you are prepared to do whatever it takes no
matter how long it takes you. Develop this mentality and pretty soon, you will
become rich beyond your wildest imagination.
Another important aspect of this section is getting it right from scratch. To avoid
any mistakes or years of un-fruitfulness, you must get started with a proven
method that works. For example, the methods explained in my 240-page ebook
"Adsense Bible Kit" are the method I have coded and refined over the years.
Although, my method in the ABK ebook is not the only way to do online business,
it shows you a deeper guide on creating a blog business that will surely produce
success. This makes me certain that if you follow those same methods and with
God on your side, then they will surely also work for you. Later on in this course I
shall talk more about the ABK guide and how you can get it but for now let's
continue our lecture.
And lastly, one of the important ingredients you need to succeed is having a
mentor. This is practicable in every aspect of life, not only with online business.
I have come to understand that a vital aspect of man's success and prosperity lies
greatly in how much he/she believes in and is motivated by a noble cause or a
higher intelligence. Having a motivating force is vital for online business success.
Personally, I attribute my entire success to the Almighty God. He is my number 1
motivator and I look up to him for guidance and support. Every single piece of
knowledge in my brain was brought my way by Him and I am grateful for that.
If you want to see success, get a mentor and believe in God that you will succeed.
Pay tithe, give generous offerings, give alms and help the needy. Be your brother's
keeper. And if you are a Moslem, observe the 5 Pillars of Islam and other things
your religion preaches and it will be well with you.
So, find someone whom you can continually look up to for advice and guidance.
This person should be someone who is already making money online. Although
most successful guys are foreigners, but we still have quit a few right here in
Nigeria. All of these people are accessible through their websites. You can get in
touch with them and make them your mentor.
In my own case, I learnt from almost all successful Internet Marketers and Pro
Bloggers out there and I recommend you do the same.
With all my points made, I will be rounding up today's training here. So expect my
next lesson tomorrow where we will be discussing the major requirements you
need in other to start an online business.

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